
Hack@NeuroData 1.0

Ready to change the future of NeuroData?

NeuroData Hackathon: for everyone, by everyone!

What if the most creative minds channeled their focus into solving the most impactful problems of neuroscience today? Imagine if we could apply the ingenuity that powers the most profound technology into the most fundamental of all human concerns: neuroscience. Hack@NeuroData is the start. Join us for our neurodata hackathon at the world’s pinnacle of neuroscience, Johns Hopkins University.

At Hack@NeuroData 2015, everyone is invited to build amazing things together. Hackers across all disciplines will unite to meet with the experts in neuroscience and data science here at Johns Hopkins to develop their solutions to neurodata problems across the globe. At the end of the event, teams will have the opportunity to present their projects.

Excited to hack NeuroData?



Have a question that isn't addressed below? Email us at hack@neurodata.io

What is a hackathon?

A hackathon is a place where people learn, play, and make. A hackathon is where people perform superhuman feats and solve problems in short periods of time. A hackathon is a producer of hackers. Hackathons are likely the most exciting thing you don't know too much about.

Why Hack@NeuroData?

Hack@NeuroData is an event that focuses on innovating at the crossroads of neuroscience and data science. By working together for a couple days, hackers at Hack@NeuroData will gain unique opportunities to learn from each other and from experts at the forefronts of these disciplines.

Where is Hack@NeuroData?

The main event (Sunday) will be in the glass pavilion at Johns Hopkins University (Homewood Campus). The auxiliary event will be on the 3rd floor of Malone Hall.

Who can participate?

Any student, anywhere. Anyone can make an impact - hackthons produce "hackers", not the other way around. Students - both at the undergraduate and graduate level - with engineering, medical, and entrepreneurial backgrounds are encouraged to apply for a spot at Hack@NeuroData 2015.

Awesome! Where can I apply?

Applications are now open! Register here.

But I know nothing about neuroscience/data?!?!

If you don't know about neuroscience or data science, don’t worry - learning is a huge part of the Hack@NeuroData experience! We will have workshops on all subjects and mentors to answer questions and help out teams. Come with an open mind, you'll work with a great team, learn a lot, and most importantly, have fun.

When is Hack@NeuroData?

The main event is Sunday Nov 22nd in the Glass Pavilion. We will have limited space for an auxiliary event the following days Nov 23rd - 25th.

What is the basic schedule?

On both days, breakfast starts at 9AM, lunch at noon, snack at 3PM, dinner at 6PM, lightround presentations 8PM, go home 9PM. Every hour on the hour, there will be a presentation, either on a neurodata problem, or solution.

I'm not a student, can I still get involved?

Of course! We are looking for talented and qualified mentors and speakers, in neuroscience and data science, and their intersection. We're always looking for new people to get involved, shoot us an email at hack@neurodata.io and we'll be in touch.

Schedule: See this to make and see talk schedule

Sunday, November 22 | Glass Pavilion

9:00am Breakfast Glass Pav
Noon Lunch Glass Pav
3:00pm Snack Glass Pav
6:00pm Dinner Glass Pav
8:00pm Lightning Presentations Glass Pav
9:00pm Continue hacking at your leisure Glass Pav

November 23-25

9:00am Breakfast Malone 3rd Floor
Noon Lunch Malone 3rd Floor
3:00pm Snack Malone 3rd Floor
5:00pm Continue hacking at your leisure Malone 3rd Floor